16 Flower Ideas for Your Front Yard

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A front yard flower garden can really up the aesthetic appeal of your property. Flowers are a unique mode of self-expression, and you get creative or use flowers to create a statement or reflect your personality.

However, if you’re in the beginning stages of creating your garden, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer variety of flowers from which you can choose. Some plants are easier to care for than others, and some may not grow in the area you live. Some plants thrive in bright sunlight; others do better in the shade.

Planning is always integral to creating a garden, and a little research is called for. You don’t want to go to a nursery, pick out a bunch of flowers, plant them in your front yard, only to have them die in a few weeks.

This article discusses flower ideas for your front yard and discusses some of the factors that go into their maintenance.

Great Flower Ideas for Front Yard

There are many different flowers you can plant in your front yard, so let’s take a look at some of the more common ones.


Marigolds are gorgeous-looking flowers with bright colors and are always a great option. If you didn’t know, marigolds are in the sunflower family. Marigolds are bright yellow or gold in color.

These are some of the most low-maintenance flowers you can have in your garden. They also have properties that repel pests and, at the same time, benefit many insects, including ladybugs and bees.


If you have large trees in your yard that have bare ground underneath, hostas are an excellent option. These plants don’t produce bright flowers, although they do have some. That said, their leaves are the main attraction.

The leaves can be cream, yellow, gold, gray, green, or blue, depending on the type. Moreover, there are also many varieties of this plant, and they grow well in most zones.


Petunias are another popular choice. They come in many colors: blue, orange, pink, purple, red, white, yellow, and multi-colored.

If you live in a hardiness zone anywhere from 9 to 11, they will grow really well. That said, as long as you’re in the correct hardiness zone, they are very easy to care for. They are generally annuals, although they can also be perennials if you live in the right zone.


Cosmos is a flower that grows between 18 and 60 inches. They have massive flowers with six petals that can be orange, pink, or white.

They aren’t the easiest flower to grow, as they need full sunlight, a lot of water, and well-drained soil. However, one of this flower’s most significant benefits is that it helps to repel mosquitoes.


Roses are a beautiful and elegant component of any flower garden. However, some roses require more maintenance than others, so we recommend going for those that are low maintenance.

Most rose bushes will produce flowers from spring through to the fall. But, of course, there are many different types of roses, with many colors to choose from. Just watch out for the thorns when handling them.


Hydrangeas are a great flowering plant if you live in a hardiness zone between 3 and 9. These plants are extremely easy to grow and require very little maintenance.

In addition, there are many kinds of hydrangeas, with one of the most popular being the snowball hydrangea; it has large white flowers that look like, you guessed it, snowballs.

They’re also good plants in areas that don’t get much sunlight, especially during the afternoon. Hydrangeas also grow quite large.

Flower Ideas for Your Front Yard

Morning Glories

This is an absolutely stunning annual flower that doesn’t require much maintenance. Morning glories grow on vines that can reach 16 feet tall.  They like full sunlight, plenty of water, and decent soil. These flowers have a large and rounded shape and can be purple, pink, red, blue, and white.

However, be aware that the seeds are highly poisonous if ingested.


Geraniums can be classified as perennials, although they are usually treated as annuals. Geraniums are popular because they stay relatively small and don’t take up much space. They come in many different varieties. Some are red, some pink, and some have various colors.

Most people also like geraniums because they are relatively simple to care for. They are a good garden plant but can also be potted. Just remember that they like sunlight.


Boxwoods are small and hardy shrubs that are extremely simple to take care of. They might not produce any flowers, but they are evergreen. It’s an excellent way to add curb appeal during the winter. They are also great borders for your flowerbeds.


These favorites can be grown as annuals, perennials, or biennials. These flowers come in a wide variety of colors, with purple and pink being the most popular.

They need regular watering, although they can handle various temperatures and soil conditions. It’s a good flower for ground cover, as they usually top out at around 9 inches in height.


Azaleas are a fan favorite if you want small but eye-catching flowering bushes. They look fantastic when planted alone, but mass plantings work well in larger areas. The flower coverage encompasses the entire shrub; growing them against a background of pines will set off their colors.

These plants require a hardiness zone between 6 and 9. Other than that, they are pretty easy to care for and don’t need much sunlight.


Amsonias produce flowers with five petals that are a bluish violet color. Hence, they are sometimes called blue stars.

These plants are pretty colorful, and they smell good too. Most people like planting them en masse, as they look fantastic in large clusters. They like partial or full sunlight but are otherwise extremely easy to care for.


Daylilies are always an excellent option to add brightness and color to your flower garden. These are extremely tough and hardy perennials that can tolerate various conditions.

They don’t mind drought and heat, and they can handle pests. These are some of the most resilient perennials you can have. Their colors can range from yellow to orange and pink, or combinations of these colors.


Speaking of big, bright, and yellow flowers, why not go for sunflowers? They are generally straightforward to grow, and if you put some work into it, they can grow many feet tall.

Some people plant rows of them to create makeshift sunflower fences. These flowers are beneficial for other reasons; you can harvest their heads and use them for sunflower seeds.


Zinnias are some of the biggest, most beautiful, and brightest flowers, coming in shades of red, orange, pink, yellow, and white. The flowers are tall, and the plants themselves can grow up to two feet in height.

They’re a great plant to have as they attract butterflies and bees. These plants grow best in full sunlight, don’t need much water, and aren’t overly hard to maintain.


Peonies produce some truly massive flowers with bright colors. They bloom from spring into summer, and they’re relatively hardy.

They love being in the full sun but can also handle shade. Moreover, they’re generally fairly low maintenance. That said, if you want to stop them from dying during the winter, you will need to move them inside.


As you can see, there are so many incredible flowers, plants, and shrubs for planting in your front yard. Moreover, we haven’t come even close to exhausting a fraction of the options. So go for something big, bright, and colorful, and start planning your garden today.

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