
Food is Relationships

2015-03-25 11.18.56-1It’s early Spring, and I can’t help but think about the very first harvest of microgreens, coming up at the end of the week! Microgreens harvesting the first week of every April gets me all sentimental. It brings me to that special place that reminds me why I do this crazy farming thing that I do. It signals this commitment that I’ve made to submit to the cycle of the farming days, weeks, months. Once the micros are seeded, I know I have 10-14 days until I must let all my chefs know that they’re coming, to get my wash-station set up once again, to make sure I have all the marketing things in place for the weekly deliveries that inevitably get set in motion with the simple act of spilling 2 tablespoons of tiny seeds onto 10 by 20 inches of soil.

Microgreens represent the larger story that Spencer and I like to tell to anyone who will listen. Food (veggies, for us) is relationships. Vegetables are the tools we use to craft our relationships with those we want to nourish – our friends, families, chefs, customers and all the eaters who are inspired to cook and share in turn when they see our veggies. We love the act of delivering our veggies for the first time each season – it symbolizes a kind of glee that we have all made it through another winter, another season of scrimping and saving, and making do. Abundance is once again on its way, and we are now sure that we have made it through to the other side – a little bit starving for green-ness, a little bit tentative to use those tiny greens, but eager to trust that it means we will be swimming in all shades of green very soon.

Sure, I get a little bit sappy this time of year – it’s hard not to get a little misty-eyed when we realize that we have arrived at this not insignificant day, together. The sap is flowing, the ground is wet and churning, the lambs are lambing, and we feel like we can make plans to do more, be together more – eating, enjoying, sharing.

It’s coming, friends, those heady days of abundance, we’ve truly turned the corner!

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