Once June arrives, we have nearly everything planted, and the weeding begins in earnest. All of our farmers markets are in full swing, and our Food Club has begun! Our summer schedule of seeding, weeding, planting, harvesting, washing, packaging, and selling begins – familiar and welcome. We routinely have 17-hour days as we try to make the most of each day and the sunlight that is available to us. Each morning we make a list on our dry-erase board of all the tasks we must complete that day, and we set about to completing them. We get to the farm at dawn, and routinely leave at 7 or 8 pm. Our goal every year is to maximize efficiency so that we can make it home by 5pm every day. Usually some last task will grab us and we’ll stay late to finish weeding a bed, or go ahead and till in the section we will seed first thing in the morning. Our days usually end with us going to the cooler to pick up something for dinner. We proceed this way all right into fall. Our favorite summer crops are heirloom tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, haricot verts, colorful carrots, sweet turnips, cipollini onions and cucumbers.