We seed spinach and mâche for overwintering and enjoy the slow-down of the season. We are now working to put the field to bed, and start mowing down crops and disking in sections with the tractor. We transplant garlic, mulch sections that need to be mulched, and clean our tools. We dismantle trellises and roll up our rowcover. We make trips to the recycling and dump stations to clean out the broken seedling trays and rowcover from our shed. We clean out our lawn tractor, and take an inventory of what we have at the farm, and what we don’t. This helps tremendously with ordering supplies in the spring. We start assessing the year and talk about our favorite markets, crops, recipes and days we had this year. We talk about what trips we will take this fall and winter, and look forward to receiving the new editions of all our well-thumbed seed catalogs. We can or freeze a lot of tomatoes, dry chiles, and freeze whatever is remaining in the field before the end of October, and we make sure to plant our garlic right before the ground freezes. In November sometime, we remove the plastic from the Haygrove, as it will not bear a snow load. We now have more time to enjoy things like the late season sun that warms the dying crops and creates that smell that belongs exclusively to the season. Our favorite fall crops are cavolo nero, baby artichokes, dry heriloom beans, cardoons, and roma tomatoes.
- Bullet oversees the garlic clove popping session
- We try and choose a sunny day to plant the garlic – usually in November
- Nice big garlic heads
- We tuck them in to over-winter with a nice big blanket of straw.
- We take down the HayGrove plastic as soon as the crops are done, but before the snow comes.
- We love how large these cloves are!
- Winter squash always makes us happy with its bright colors
- We are fairweather sweet potato growers, because there are so many great sweet potato farmers in VT
- The tomato plants and trellis come down in October or November
- Chicories last and last and last into fall and winter – much needed fresh greens
- Fingerlings
- Getting help with the sweet potato harvest