Humidity, crazy storms, huge weed growth… and finally… wait for it… we are: all. systems. go!! Everything is rolling in the best possible of ways! It’s hot, every few days we get rain, fear of flooding is a faint memory, and we are waking up at 5am everyday and farming until 6 or 7pm, and life could not be more grand! Even when the humidity feels oppressive, and the weeds seem like they will not quit, and sweat constantly rolls out of every pore, carrying sunscreen into my eyes, I am constantly remembering that a mere 6 weeks ago I was sure that farming wouldn’t even be part of my reality this year! Every uncomfortable muscle group, every crease of my skin that now houses perma-dirt, every weed that I must pull to ensure that my crops are the best that they can be I am grateful for. This spring has been a true test of just being patient, and trusting that eventually it will all come together.
And come together it has! Tomatoes are bursting out on all sides, doing what they do – going from sharing the first tomato with everyone within earshot to 40# in a week! We harvested 16# for market tomorrow and they couldn’t be more vibrant! Cukes are just starting to takeoff, and haricot vert are a week away! We have been keeping our promise to each other to eat salad everyday, and now we are able to add cukes and tomatoes to it! Glorious! If you’re around, come to the Burlington Farmers’ Market tomorrow – it is going to be gorgeous – filled with sunshine, low humidity, and, if I do say so myself, stunning produce! Happy summer everyone!
- Picture Perfect
Hi Maura, the tomatoes look so yummy ! I wanted to let you know that I have some of your tomato plants, bambino eggplant, peppers. They are doing GREAT. I haven’t planted veggies since Jess was a little girl. She gave me some of her plants from you, and I can’t wait to use them. We’ve already finished up the radishes in her garden while they have been away, sooooos good. Will be taking care of things up in Jericho until they come home. Roxy, the cat is staying with us too ! Hope to cross paths with you sometime. I really enjoy your web-site, with all the lovely photos, recipes and info. Thanks Half Pint for all your hard work in producing all those fabulous veggies. Jess’s Mom, Betsey