Spring has officially sprung, we are marching towards the longest day of the year, and light is everywhere! I love when we turn the corner officially from Winter to Spring, when the seasons wrestle with each other for control – wet snowstorm here, warm sunshiny day there; cool cloudy day here, sprouting green things there… even though we all know that Spring will win this rubberband fight, those cloudy cool days make me feel antsy and ready for a nice string of warm, dry days. Winter, I am so over you.
The greenhouse has gone dramatically, in the short span of a couple weeks, from trays of brown to trays of glorious green – everything is up! From the lovely cipollinis to the eggplants to the peppers and tomatoes to the robust cardoons and artichokes to the spicy and inspiring microgreens – my hands are once again filthy, my nostrils filled with the damp smells of a heated, thriving greenhouse and my dogs’ bellies are satiated with the first mouse hunts of Spring.
Everyday I drive to the Intervale and scan the roadsides for signs of forage-ables that I will be able to eat soon; can’t wait for you – nettles, morels, chickweed and ramps!
Meanwhile, we wrap up our winter farmers’ market gig and focus completely on the business at hand – shifting gears from planning to planting and placing all of our careful plans into action! In the next few weeks we will be making our first deliveries of microgreens,spreading compost and fertilizer at our field, putting the plastic on our HayGrove hoophouse, and potting up all the plants in the greenhouse. I can hardly wait for tomorrow to get here!
Happy Spring, friends!