Posts Tagged ‘chiles’


Best Chile Paste Ever!

Posted in Recipe
Best Chile Paste Ever!

I have been told that I have a problem. It seems that I cannot eat a meal, except the occasional cereal or yogurt for breakfast, that doesn’t require some kind of heat. I’ll take anything, Tabasco, Sriracha, red chile flakes, the odd habañero sauce, even chile oil… Read More


Zucchini Done Right

Posted in Recipe
Zucchini Done Right

I know, I know. By the end of the summer we are all a little zucchini-d out, and can hardly think of anything else we’d like to do with it. The usual repertoire of zucchini breads and all manner of grilled or roasted zucchinis have become tired and you are more than ready to call it a season where zucchini is concerned. But wait! Don’t let summer pass you by without one last one-skillet dish that will have you wishing you had done this all summer long. Let this be the dish that leaves you wanting more zucchini, and wishing your tired old squash plants have one more squash left in them. Read More